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莞市旺_富自踊O溆邢薰司成立于2002年8月,是一家氖吕匣(C)O洌能d;自踊O涞难邪l、u造、N售、服找惑w的I性公司。本公司F有S房面e4000多平米,碛写笈多年氖孪嚓PI的工程和技g人T,K一直致力于老化O浜妥踊O涞难邪l和新。本公司的a品可按照每位客舻男枨罅可矶ㄗ觯K提供O生a、安b{以及提供完善的售后服铡=^多年l展,秉承“科技先В|量楸尽钡陌l展理念,以I的O、施工伍及良好的服赵谑錾汐@得BYD、MOSO、DELTA、EMERSON、UE Electronic、Self、LITEON、AD、DVE等公司的信,是子a品老化y及工MbO涫走x品牌。

Dongguan Wonderful Automation Equipment Co; s established in August 2002,is engaged in the aging (burn-in) equipment; energy load; automation equipment development,manufacturing,sales and service into a professional e company`s existing plant area of 4,000 square meters,with a large number of years engaged in relevant professional engineers and technicians,and has been dedicated to aging equipment and automation equipment,R & D and e company`s products can be tailored according to each customer`s needs,and provide design and production, d provide after sales ter years of development,adhering to the "Pilot,quality_oriented〃development ideas,professional design and construction team and good service in the market for BYD,MOSO,DELTA,EMERSON,UE Electronic,Self,LlTEON,AD,DVE companies such as trust,electronic products aging test and assembly equipment brand of choice processes.

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